Dear Colleague,
On behalf of the Massachusetts Radiological Society (MRS) officers and executive committee, I would like to thank you for your continued membership. The MRS is the state chapter of the American College of Radiology (ACR), whose members and leaders represent diagnostic and interventional radiology, radiation oncology and medical physicists in our state.
Our society advocates on behalf of our members with the goal of ensuring the best radiological care for our patients. We are committed to advocating for our profession and our patients at the local and state level, paying attention to active legislation, and when necessary, educating and informing all stakeholders about issues related to imaging, medical physics and radiation oncology. Below is a summary of the current legislation affecting our profession as well as upcoming events. We encourage the involvement of all MRS members in our efforts and programming.
ACR Annual Meeting: The ACR Annual Meeting will be held in Washington DC from May 3 – May 7, 2025. Join the MRS councilors, alternate councilors, new fellows, members, and trainees and stay for Capitol Hill Day to advocate for issues that are critical to our members and affect our profession.
Our Legal Counsel, Ed Brennan, Esq., is retiring after a long tenure with the MRS. He has faithfully been our advocate and advisor for many years, working with numerous MRS leaders and members in helping the Society advocate for its members and patients. He has worked on so many important legislative and regulatory issues relating to radiology and health care over the years, and we owe much of our success to his efforts. He has been assisting us in vetting our next Legal Counsel, and has been working with us through the transition. On behalf of the MRS, I wish him a full and wonderful retirement.
The MRS is an organization that runs on volunteers. I would like to express my gratitude to the Officers and Executive Committee for their contributions. I am indebted to Dr. Ilse Castro-Aragon, our past president for her leadership and service to our Society. I would also like to thank our past treasurer and current President-Elect Dr. Amy Oliveira, our past secretary and current Vice President Dr. Lauren Ferrara, our treasurer Dr. Monica Wood, and our new secretary, Dr. Alyssa Simeone, for their time and dedication to our organization. Thank you also to the chairs and co-chairs of the various MRS committees and the members of our Resident and Fellow Section. I am very grateful for the excellent support of our chapter administrator Mrs. Lina Szymkowski. It is an honor to serve our membership and this endeavor would not be possible without all of your support.
With warmest regards,
Scott F. Cameron, MD
2024-2025 President, Massachusetts Radiological Society.