
ACR Councilors
Alternate ACR Councilors
Legal Counsel
Executive Committee
Designated Representatives
Nominating Committee
Judicial Affairs
Legislative/Government Relations
Grass Roots Key Contacts
Subcommittee on Residents and Fellows
Medical Physics Advisory
Radiation Oncology
Economic committee and subcommittee
Subspecialty Advisory Network
Diversity Committee
MRS Website


President: Scott Cameron, MD
President-Elect: Amy Oliveira, MD
Vice President Lauren Ferrara, MD
Treasurer Monica Wood, MD
Secretary Alyssa Simeone, MD


Steven Baccei, MD
Erli Chen, MS, FACR
Scott F. Cameron, MD
Martin Fraser, MS, FACR
Jeffrey Greenberg, MD
Danie Daye, MD, PhD
Jalil Afnan, MD
Lauren E. Ferrara, MD
Neel Madan, MD
Samuel Madoff, MD
Amy Oliveira, MD
Rodrick Williams, MD

Alternate Councilors

Ilse Castro-Aragon, MD
Arnold Cheung, MD
Nazli Erbay, MD
John Dubrow, MD, FACR
Alyssa Simeone, MD (Young Physician Representative)
Geunwon Kim, MD, PhD
John Dubrow, MD, FACR
Katrina Chu, MD
John E. Mignano, MD, PhD, FACR
Tejas S. Mehta, MD, MPH, FACR
Khalid Hassan, MD
Raymond Liu, MD

Members At-Large

Michael S. Gee, MD, PhD
Max Rosen, MD, FACR
Parag Shah, MD
Christoph Wald, MD, PhD, FACR

Legal Counsel

Edward J. Brennan, Esq

Executive Committee

Jalil Afnan, MD, (Councilor | Fellowship Chair)

Steven Baccei (Councilor)

Scott F. Cameron, MD (President-Elect | Councilor)

Erli Chen, MS, MS, FACR (Alt Councilor)

Ilse Castro-Aragon, MD, FACR (President | Alt Councilor)

Arnold Cheung, MD (Alt Councilor)

Dania Daye, MD, PhD (Councilor | Quality & Safety Chair)

Ariadne DeSimone, MD (Alt Councilor)

John Dubrow, MD, FACR (Alt Councilor)

Lauren E. Ferrara, MD (Secretary/ Councilor / membership chair / Electronics Communication Chair)

Martin Fraser, MS, FACR (Councilor / Medical Physics Advisory Chair)

Michael Gee, MD (At-Large)

Jeffrey J. Greenberg, MD (Councilor)

Kahlid Hassan, MD (Alt Councilor)

Richard Hicks, MD (Councilor | Nominating Commitee)    

Joshua Hirsch, MD, FACR, FSIR (ex officio)                                              

Murray Janower, MD, FACR (Honorary)

Geunwon Kim, MD, PhD (Alt Councilor |Breast Imaging Commitee Vice-Chair)

Liz Lin, MD (RFS President)

Raymond W. Liu, MD (Alt Councilor)

Neel Madan, MD ( Councilor | Economics Commitee Chair | Managed Care Commitee Chair)

Samuel Madoff, MD ( Councilor | Nominating Committee )

Tejas S. Mehta, MD, MPH, FACR  (Alt Councilor | Breast Imaging Committee Vice Co-Chair)

John Mignano, MD, PhD, FACR (Alt Councilor | Radiation Oncology Chair)

Njogu Njuguna, MD (Alt Councilor)

Amy Oliveira, MD (President-Elect | Councilor)

Philip Rogoff, MD, FACR  (Honorary)

Max P. Rosen, MD, FACR (At-Large)

David Rosman, MD, MBA (ex officio)        

Parag Shah, MD (At-Large)

Alyssa Simeone, MD (Secretary | Alt YPS Councilor)

Priscilla J. Slanetz, MD, MPH, FACR  (ACR Commission on Publications and Lifelong Learning-Chair | Member of the ACR Board of Chancellors and Co-Chair |   Fellowship Committee Co-Chair)

Christoph Wald, MD, PhD, FACR (At-Large)

Rodrick Williams, MD (Councilor | Diversity Committee chair)

Monica Wood, MD (Treasurer | YPS Committee Chair)

Legal Counsel:   Edward J. Brennan, Esq.    

Designated Representatives: Massachusetts Medical Society

HOD Delegate:

Phillip Devlin, MD, FACR

Interspecialty Committee:

Scott F. Cameron, MD (Representative)
Amy Oliveira , MD (Member-At-Large)

Mass. Hospital Association:

Raymond Liu, MD (Representative)

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Nominating Committee:

Ilse Castro Aragon, MD (Chair)
Neel Madan, MD,
Richard Hicks, MD, FACR
Samuel Madoff, MD

Raymond Liu, MD

Judicial Affairs:

Jorge A. Soto, MD-Chair
Jennifer C. Broder, MD

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Legislative/Government Relations:

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Grass Roots Key Contacts:

Neel Madan, MD (Co-Chair)
Samuel Madoff, MD (Co-Chair)

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Priscilla J. Slanetz, MD, MPH, FACR    (Co-Chair)

Jalil Afnan, MD    (Co-Chair)             

Martin Fraser, MS, FACR

Rodrick Williams, MD 

Phillip Devlin, MD, FACR       

Elon Gale, MD FACR

Debra Gervais, MD FACR

Michael Lev, MD FACR

Osamu Sakai, MD FACR

Erli Chen, MS, FACf                                  

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Neel Madan, MD, (Chair)
John Patti, MD, FACR
David Rosman, MD, MBA
Maryellen R.M. Sun, MD

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Lauren E. Ferrara, MD (Chair)
Scott F. Cameron, MD
Phillip Devlin, MD, FACR
Florian Fintelmann, MD
Martin Fraser, MS, FACR
Alyssa Simeone, MD
Priscilla Slanetz, MD, MPH, FACR
Christoph Wald, MD, PhD, FACR

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Subcommittee on Residents and Fellows:

John Dubrow, MD, FACR

Donald Romanelli, MD

Robin Goldenson, MD

Christoph Wald, MD, PhD

Neel Madan, MD

Jennifer Broder, MD

Liz Lin, MD (RFS President)

Amy Oliveira, MD

Jalil Afnan, MD  

Asim Mian, MD  

Jeffrey Dileo, MD

Medical Physics Advisory Committee:

Per Halvorsen, MS, FACR, FAAPM   (Chair)

Martin W. Fraser, MS, FACR                           

Paul Imbergamo, MS, FACR

Gerogetta Mihai, PhD

Erli Chen, MS, FACR    

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Breast Imaging:

Katrina Chu, MD  (Co-Chair)

Tejas S. Mehta, MD, MPH, FACR  (Vice Co-Chair)

Geunwon Kim, MD (Vice Co-Chair)

Priscilla Slanetz, MD, MPH, FACR

A. Alan Semine

Daniel Kopans, MD, FACR

David Rose, MD

Janet Baum, MD

Delphine Lui, MD

Michael Fishman, MD

Carolynn DeBenedectis, MD

Hetal Verma, MD

Sona A. Chikarmane, MD

Joshua Weinstein, MD

Manisha Bahl, MD            

Leslie Lamb, MD

Delphine Lui, MD

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Radiation Oncology:

John Mignano, MD, PhD (Chair)
Phillip Devlin, MD FACR
Erli Chen, MS, FACR
Martin Fraser, MD

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Economics Committee:

Neel Madan, MD  (Chair)

Arthur Waltman, MD, FACR                                                                

Phil Rogoff, MD FACR                                    

David Rosman, MD, MBA, FACR

Raymond Liu, MD

Jeffrey Greenberg, MD

Neel Madan, MD

John Dubrow, MD

Scott F. Cameron, MD   

Arnold Cheung, MD

Economic Sub-committees:

Medicare Carrier Advisory Sub-Committee:

Neel Madan, MDRadiology Representative Chairperson
Monica Wood, MDRadiology Alternate
John Mignano MD, PhDRadiation Oncology Representative
Phillip Devlin MD, FACRRadiation Oncology Alternate
Gustavo Mercier, MDNuclear Medicine Representative
Caitlyn Connolly, MDNuclear Medicine Representative Alternate
Neel Madan, MDMedicaid Liaison

Managed care sub-committee:

Neel Madan, MD  (Chair)                                       

Christoph Wald, MD, PhD

Arnold Cheung, MD Phil Rogoff, MD FACR

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Diversity Committee

Rodrick Williams, MD (Chair)
Shirley Chou, MD
John Dubrow, MD
Lauren Ferrara, MD
Dominique Rowcroft, MD
Alyssa Simeone, MD
Maryellen Sun, MD
Bruce Stewart, MD

Massachusetts Radiology Quality & Safety Council:

Dania Daye, MD, PhD (Co-Chair)

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Electronic Communications committee

Lauren E. Ferrara, MD           (Chair)

Monica Wood, MD                 (Vice-Chair)

Scott  F. Cameron, MD

Neel Madan, MD

Geraldine Tran, MD  

Health Equity/Community Engagement Committee

Carolynn DeBenedectis, MD   (Chair)

Somiah Almeky, MD               (Co-Chair)

Ilse Castro-Aragon, MD

Priscilla Slanetz, MD

Ryan Tai, MD

MRS Website

Neel Madan, MD, Webmaster

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