September 2002

Meeting on 9/17/02
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston

In attendance:

Mark Mullins, MD PhD: MGH
Christoph Wald, MD PhD: Lahey
Erik Nelson, MD: BU
Ara Kassarjian, MD: MGH
Seth Hardy, MD: Lahey


1. Election of new officers

  1. Erik Nelson MD from Boston University Medical Center is the new President
  2. Seth Hardy MD from Lahey Clinic is the new Secretary


2. Discussion of poor attendance of business meetings and ways to improve attendance by other residents and increase membership

  1. Ask attending members of the MRS for more support
  2. Continue to reach out to other residents to become involved
  3. Try to designate an individual in each academic department to assist in announcing meetings
  4. Moving the meeting place downtown if this will aid other residents in attending
  5. Contact participants of “Rack” social who haven’t signed membership forms


3. Discussion of upcoming ACR national meeting in Miami

  1. Overview of agenda by Christoph Wald MD PhD , Chair of the ACR RPS
  2. Brief discussion of resolutions
  3. Discussion of topics or issues that may need discussing at the meeting in Miami
    1. Minimum MRI requirements
    2. The new fellowship match is not in residents’ or the specialty’s interest
    3. The use of residents to read after hours films from facilities outside their training programs


4. Brief discussion of this year’s events

  1. Should we have two big events this year and what will they be
    1. Will discuss more at the next meeting


Respectfully submitted by
Seth Hardy, MD
Secretary, MRS RFS